Welcome to Vigilante Sculpting. This is where I post my sculpting, scratchbuilding, drawing and paintig work.

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Megalodon begins!

My eldest got a Lego Monster Jam Megalodon for their birthday a while back. This thing is a mean looking machine. I love the teeth... 

First coat of paint on Airwolf

Here is a first coat of paint and some test shots of Airwolf. I want to have a base where the chopper is flying, and ... 

Designing new S-foils for the B-Wing

It's been a while, but I am still working on the Kenner B-Wing. I got a 3d printer recently, and I've been spending a lot ... 

More Airwolf details

Adding some more details to the Airwolf conversion: Now the sanding starts, after a first coat of primer: ... 

Airwolf conversion

I picked up a Propper Chopper , seeing as it looked very similar to a certain helicopter I remember watching on a tv show as ... 

Sculpting D&D minis

My eldest recently started playing D&D, and I asked the DM whether the group of players would like custom minis for each of their characters... 

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