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All the latest stuff I've been getting up to.

Sentinal finished

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Here is the finished sentinel! I changed the pose up a bit from the previous post, turning the body of the mech the other way... 

Sentinal WIP

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I started working on this scratchbuilt sentinel a while back. The first part I worked on was the legs, making up the 3 parts from ... 

Iron Jesters

This is a squad of Terminators that I bought a while ago on Ebay. I've been wanting to do something with them, that isn't my ... 

Semiotic keyboard, wip

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I have really started enjoying using my XP-Pen drawing tablet with Krita now,but the one thing that bothers me is that I still need the ... 

Forest base, cont.

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Here is some more progress on the forest base. I infused the leaves with some wood hardener, to give them a bit of protection from ... 

Forest base, wip

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Continuing on with the stealthy XV-15 suits, I wanted to build a forest base, testingout the techniques for making trees, ferns, underbrush, moss, etc. The ... 


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Recently finished painting the genestealer from this post .I went for a grimdark, space hulk feel, with the glowing pipes from the reactor meltdown in ... 

XV-15 crackling stealth effect

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So I've had a pair of pewter Tau XV-15 stealth units from GW for Warhammer 40,000 since about 2005. These were the first models I ... 

Diver & mermaid, painting progress

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Some updated photos of the diver & mermaid diorama.I had previously gone with a darker and dirtier greenish seawater look, and especially on the background, ... 

Mermaid repaint

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I was unhappy with the previous progress on this, so I decided to re-prime and start over, beginning with the skin on the mermaid and ... 

Girl with a big gun

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Work-in-progress 54mm sculpt of a girl with a big gun. Mostly fimo, with a bit of greenstuff. The gun is scratchbuilt from odd bits of ... 

Mad Max

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I recently picked up Gaslands: Refuelled , and started playing some games with my kids after dinner.They absolutely love it, it is always a bunch ... 

Underwater painting

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Made some progress on the diver & mermaid diorama, with some first shades and an attempt at color: I am not 100% sure about the ... 

Queadluun Rau casts for sale

I've put a couple of resin casts of my Queadluun Rau model up for sale on etsy .There is a limited number of casts available, ... 

Comments are now live

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Zarjazz! Posts and projects now have a button where you can leave a comment. All comments are sent to me via email, so you don't ...