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All the latest stuff I've been getting up to.

Constructing the cab

After making the Fleetmaster part that I needed, and having cast a bunch of wheels, I started working on the cab in earnest. I just ... 

Gotta have some wheels

I looked high and low, but could not find the right size truck tires for my War Rig in my bits box. I have made ... 

Shaving some yak

Furiosa's War Rig is built up out of a number of different vehicles. The cab has the back of a Chevy Fleetmaster attached to it, ... 

Kenner B-wing + Roy Focker

A while back (5 years, ok it has been a minute) I picked up this Kenner B-wing for free from a garage sale. It is ... 

Breaking an egg

As you may know, I've been fascinated with modifying HotWheels and other cars for use in Gaslands for quite some time. Last year I discovered ... 

Sentinal finished

Here is the finished sentinel! I changed the pose up a bit from the previous post, turning the body of the mech the other way... 

Sentinal WIP

I started working on this scratchbuilt sentinel a while back. The first part I worked on was the legs, making up the 3 parts from ... 

Iron Jesters

This is a squad of Terminators that I bought a while ago on Ebay. I've been wanting to do something with them, that isn't my ... 

Semiotic keyboard, wip

I have really started enjoying using my XP-Pen drawing tablet with Krita now,but the one thing that bothers me is that I still need the ... 

Forest base, cont.

Here is some more progress on the forest base. I infused the leaves with some wood hardener, to give them a bit of protection from ... 

Forest base, wip

Continuing on with the stealthy XV-15 suits, I wanted to build a forest base, testingout the techniques for making trees, ferns, underbrush, moss, etc. The ... 


Recently finished painting the genestealer from this post .I went for a grimdark, space hulk feel, with the glowing pipes from the reactor meltdown in ... 

XV-15 crackling stealth effect

So I've had a pair of pewter Tau XV-15 stealth units from GW for Warhammer 40,000 since about 2005. These were the first models I ... 

Diver & mermaid, painting progress

Some updated photos of the diver & mermaid diorama.I had previously gone with a darker and dirtier greenish seawater look, and especially on the background, ... 

Mermaid repaint

I was unhappy with the previous progress on this, so I decided to re-prime and start over, beginning with the skin on the mermaid and ...