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All the latest stuff I've been getting up to.


Gave panzer girl some hair. More photos at coolminiornot ... 

Posed armor

Further work on the face, and initial armor plating. Posing the helmet: ... 


Taking a break from the Fire Raptor, started on something a little different: I think the eyes are a bit high in the skull, will ... 


Construction is complete, the only thing missing is the mounting bracket for the flyer base on the bottom. The acrylic rod I ordered arrived today, ... 


The pilot, made from a cast of the gunner mold, with the arms chopped and re-glued, and pelvis structure added. As before, there are a ... 

Small aquilla

Small aquilla for the Fire Raptor There are three of these needed, so I made the master (left), then a mold (right), and then pressed ... 

Adding open engine detail

It's been a busy couple of weeks; family, work and tax season got in the way. Finally started back up on the Raptor, adding some ... 

Dreadnought, take 2

The previous dreadnought I built was pretty much straight up from the Drednoyt III Patoroch template, and it worked out pretty well: I even made ... 

Engine exhausts

Nothing better than a greeblied engine The only thing it needs now is more greeblies. More photos here ... 

Engine intakes

The engine intakes on the Fire Raptor take shape: They were designed from scratch in openSCAD , and look a bit nicer than the ones ... 


VTOL turbines for the Fire Raptor wingtips: A couple more pictures available at the build log ... 

Fire Raptor wip

WIP shot of the Fire Raptor: More photos and wip info at the buildlog ... 


The Raptor has some cannons coming: Also, a new canopy, some landing gear, engine and the ball turret gunners are done: More pictures and wip ... 

Thompson & Thomson

WIP painting of the two ballturret gunners. They are essentially 35mm busts, so pretty fun to paint. The ballturrets themselves are coming along too: As ... 

The Emperor's new clones

Guerilla casting with silicone caulk These will be the ball turret gunners, so they don't have to be super purty. The pilot will be cast ...