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All the latest stuff I've been getting up to.

Dreadnought proto clone

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Finally, I've got all the molds together to cast one of these: The hand took the longest to properly mold. Because I am using caulking ... 

Molding & Casting

Here is the progress I've made in making molds and casting resin parts for this figure. Minus the left hand - this gave me a ... 

Ace Bolt EOF

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I'm calling him done. I like the way he came out, I think I got the dynamics of the sketched pose (such as it is) ... 

Ace Bolt, in progress

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He got ahead! ... 

The name's Bolt. Ace Bolt

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Design: Implementation: Green stuff + Aves. Sculpey + FIMO. Haha, changed the name. Too close to some video game character that I didn't even realize ... 

Power fist

The mold is complete, so I removed the parts from it. They only suffered minimal damage, nothing a bit of CA couldn't fix. Started building ... 

Prime, bake & mold

So here is the primed body of the dreadnought - it looks a tad cleaner this way I did this last night, then took the ... 

Bulking out

Some more progress: bulking out the... bulkheads?The body fits together nicely. Adding more detail to the feet... 

Rivets & Surgery

More rivets, and some surgery for the next steps.I think this build will have a *lot* of mixed media in it, so it might not ... 

Not the dreadnought you're looking for

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Nothing to see here, move along... 

Some more progress

A bit more progress on the body: panels, rivets, etc.I am using some green stuff (putty) to fill in some deeper holes.There is some vinyl ... 

Dread progress

Here is some progress on the weapons. The multi-barrel auto-cannon needs rework (I don't like the look of the toothpicks, I will roll barrels out ... 


I've gone and compared my model with photos of the official Dreadnought, and realized that the body was not quite in proportion to what it ... 

Scratchbuilt Land Raider, done!

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Here's the finished model, paint job is complete.At least, I call it complete. Because otherwise I'd be tempted to go in and redo everything a ... 

Paint progress

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Slowly getting somewhere on the painting. I want to post this update otherwise it feels like I'm stagnating Some of the fine details (the aquilla/twin-headed ...