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All the latest stuff I've been getting up to.

Stormblade, all primed up

Here is the completed primed thing. Next up, painting time..... 

Tank commander, done!

Finished up the commander, I think I will stick with him, he's grown on me: And here he is on the now-primed tank: Now the ... 

Tank commander

So I've been thinking about what color scheme / army my Stormblade belongs to, and initially I thought I'd go for a DKOK unit.I began ... 

Computer console

In between all this, and to relieve some of that rivet-zen, I built a little computer console destination marker thingy using some of my assortment ... 

Mindlessly riveting

So, after spending a countless number of evenings in a state of absolute mindlessness, placing little dot after little dot all over the tank, the ... 

Starting on detail work

I think I've finally figured out out how attach and position the wheels to the tank. At the moment the wheels (and tracks) are still ... 

DIY Industrial pipe terrain

In other project news, I tried my own take on the hardware-store-industrial style pipes.This is decorated with some cast greeblies, some specifically made for the ... 

My daughter's P-51D

Last but not least, my daughter really wanted a model aircraft to build for her 9th birthday.So I swung by our local friendly hobby shoppe, ... 

Internal rework

So it is that part of the project again. You know, the part where I change my mind and tear things apart because I finally ... 

Turret weapons

I added the bolters and lasguns to the side mounts. The masters are constructed from bits of plastic tubing (drinking straws, etc) and bits from ... 

Underwater mine

On another note, I got some plastic chain delivered, and started laying out an underwater diorama featuring a hefty mine.I want to add two figures ... 

Stormblade assemble!

Here is a mockup of the current state of the Stormblade. I have one length of track assembled, and the wheelbase is ready, but it ... 

Main gun

Starting work on the main gun: Lots of ribbing for extra... plasma? I made the ribs from sculpey, which I rolled out with a large ... 

Starting to look like something

I've made a fair bit of progress on the tank - it kinda works like that, slow going on the masters, then once the molds ... 


So far so good: the tracks can link up and flex: _ The jig I built around my little homemade dremelclone, so that I can ...