Scratchbuilt Patoroch Land Raider : Step by Step

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These are the posts I made during the making of Scratchbuilt Patoroch Land Raider in chronological order

Rear engine vents

Spent the evening making the large engine vents on the rear of the vehicle.Lots of tedious cutting and gluing, but the end-result looks nice. Still ... 

Smaller details

Smaller progress lately: added a bunch more rivets, added some more engine detailing, started filling in the minor gaps with some card strips, etc. I'm ... 


Working on the iconography (don't know what else to call it!). Got an Imperial Eagle design going, this will go on the front of the ... 


Primed & painted the imperial eagle with polyurethane, then applied some thinned silicone. After this I covered it in plain silicon; this will become the ... 

Final model, almost

Here are some higher res photos of the (almost) final model, before final prep and painting. There are only a couple of things still to ... 

Wood hardener

I decided to add a decent covering of wood hardener to the model. This stuff applies like thin super glue, and soaks the paper/card, when ... 

Prime time!

Sprayed everything with gray primer. Have to be patient though, this stuff goes on thick very quickly. I have a couple of spots I've had ... 


I've finalized the planned paint scheme, so now I just have to get down and do it. First step, using my airbrush I preshade with ... 

Tracks, guns, trim, etc

I realized that there was some unpainted paper in the recesses around the tracks, so I masked off the tracks and ran the airbrush over ... 

Paint progress

Slowly getting somewhere on the painting. I want to post this update otherwise it feels like I'm stagnating Some of the fine details (the aquilla/twin-headed ... 

Scratchbuilt Land Raider, done!

Here's the finished model, paint job is complete.At least, I call it complete. Because otherwise I'd be tempted to go in and redo everything a ... 

Scratchbuilt Patoroch Land Raider

This was my very first scratchbuilt mixed-media model, which kicked off my journey in this scratchbuilding hobby. I started from a paper template by Eli ...