Spacehulk Duel!

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Step by step (blog posts related to this project)

> *It only took a millisecond.* > > *"What's that noise?"* > *"Don't worry, it's probably just a rat, the place is crawling with> them"* > > *The genestealer burst from the vent above, ripping the marine's> helmet off in one sweeping motion. Instinctively he caught the lashing> front claw in his powerfist, and tried to get a couple of burst off> with his bolter, but the beast was too strong and pushed the weapon> out of the way, the blasts harmlesly impacting the pipe behind.* > > *Locked in a mortal embrace, they stumbled backwards into the gaping> cavern below...*

This was a fun little project, depicting an epic duel between a genestealerand a Deathwing Terminator. Lots of weathering, and I think the actionis pretty dynamic.