Fire Raptor : Step by Step
16 thru 30 of 34)
These are the posts I made during the making of Fire Raptor in chronological order
Adding open engine detail
It's been a busy couple of weeks; family, work and tax season got in the way. Finally started back up on the Raptor, adding some ...
Small aquilla
Small aquilla for the Fire Raptor There are three of these needed, so I made the master (left), then a mold (right), and then pressed ...

The pilot, made from a cast of the gunner mold, with the arms chopped and re-glued, and pelvis structure added. As before, there are a ...

Construction is complete, the only thing missing is the mounting bracket for the flyer base on the bottom. The acrylic rod I ordered arrived today, ...
Primed raptor

The raptor being primed: Glued together a flying base from acrylic rod: More photos at coolminiornot ...
Fire Raptor base-coat and preshading
Started on the base-coat and preshading of the Fire Raptor. More photos at the buildlog . Next steps would be the engine parts, weathering and ...
Paint chips
Chipping, chipping away at the Fire Raptor. Right upper wing done. More photos & verbose explanations here ...
Ball turrets wip
The ball turrets on the Fire Raptor, taking shape...
Scorched barrels and dirty engines
More Fire Raptor work: Scorched barrels on the turrets Engines taking shape: Posed with the model Ball turret, posed with the model ...
Weathering the underside

After a loooong procrastination, I finally started weathering the underside of the bird. Lots of sponge work, lots of little nicks and scratches. I figure ...
Fiddly bits

Doing all the fiddly bits before I seal it up and do some freehand work. This includes the cables on the outside & the lenses ...
Fire Raptor progress

Back on the fire raptor again, and making small bits of progress...
Ball turrets

I finished the ball turrets last night, the last pieces were the sensor lenses above the gun barrels. So the last bits are now all ...
Raven freehand prep

I started preparing everything last night, starting with a cutout mask to use as a guide on the bird itself. Using the mask I drew ...
Raven freehand

Started working on the raven freehand that goes on top of the Fire Raptor: ...