Vanilla Joe Pineapples : Step by Step

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These are the posts I made during the making of Vanilla Joe Pineapples in chronological order

Joe Pineapples

Here is another sculpt I'm working on. It's Joe Pineapples, the version by Kev Walker.He is about 9cm high, not sure what scale that'll put ... 

Bulking up Joe

Here is some more work on Joe. I am adding more of the underlying bulk, once this is done, I need to add some more ... 

Joe's BFG

I did some more work on Joe's gun, and started adding the panels to his shoulders: ... 

Joe's progress

I've been working on and off on the Joe Pineapples sculpt, mostly because I got stumped on the furry trim on the collar of his ... 

Vanilla Joe, done!

After a lot of sanding, priming, re-sanding and re-priming, I'm now finished with the sculpting of Vanilla Joe Pineapples. He is ready to be covered ... 

Vanilla Joe Pineapples

This is a sculpt I did of Joe Pineapples, the ultra cool sniper from 2000AD's ABC Warriors. Based on the awesome Prog 787 ( alternate ... 

Vanilla Joe, first cast

In the meantime, I've managed put the pieces into mold boxes and make some molds. The first cast looks good, except for one spot on ...