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Step by step (blog posts related to this project)

This is my scratcbuilt Stormblade tank.

Based on a paper template from Eli Patoroch, I constructed most of the body out of cereal box, paper, index card and chipboard. The functioning / movable tank tracks are individually cast resin pieces from paper masters, drilled and linked with wire. The guns and greeblies on the tank are cast from mixed media scratchbuilt pieces. The main gun is built from card and sculpey.

The tank commander is a sculpt made from greenstuff, fimo and milliput.

The side-mounted guns can all swivel, and the main gun is mounted with a magnet and can be removed / swapped.

Painted up in the livery of the 11th Heavy Armor regiment of the Death Korps of Krieg, plus I added a fair bit of weathering, using oil paint washes and pigments.

All in all, this project took a total of 5 months to complete. Construction took about 4 of those.