Sketches & Drawings

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All my latest drawings & sketches. Some traditional and some digital, but mostly mixed.


Pencil study of a piece of mechanical detail on pinterest turned into another embedded cyborg... 

seven of nine

Seven of Nine.She doesn't look happy being on a playing card. Delving into some more paint and less linework with this one. I find it ... 

battle axe

Pencil sketch, given some color in Krita & GIMP. I think I've found a good workflow now with coloring, which also gives me some better ... 


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Pencil sketch, given some color and texture. No reference used for this one, as a mental excercise... 

space cadet

Quick pencil sketch of a space girl with a space gun in space boots. Opened the photo of the sketch up in gimp and added ... 


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Pencil & Ink sketch, from reference.Scanned & colored in GIMP... 


Retro sci-fi rocket girl sketch, using a photo reference. Drawn in pencil & ink, scanned and colored in GIMP ... 


Value excercise. Used a photo of Monika Synytycz by Tomasz Zienkiewicz as reference. Started with 3 different (4, if you count the white background) values ... 

RDF Wolf's Head

*The RDF Wolf's Head Main Battleship, largest in its class, in orbit around LV-314.* Quick pencil doodle turned into lineart and colored in Krita and ... 


This is a black & white sketch using a photo as reference. I find that practicing with only black and white is helping me see ... 


A quick pencil sketch, turned into a Krita painting... 


Another quick blockin study, using a photo reference.This one has a lot of negative space to play with, and a lot of smooth shadows next ... 


Another black & white blocking study from photo reference, trying to find a composition that works.Quick pencil blocking sketch, followed by blocking in Krita, softening ... 


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Study from photo referenceGoing for a more harsh blak & white style rendering, with some softened edges... 


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Female nude study, based on a photo by Serge Zhodik .The original has this great contrast between the blue bed cover and the orange curtains...