Sketches & Drawings

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All my latest drawings & sketches. Some traditional and some digital, but mostly mixed.


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Cyborg assassin - pencil on paper... 


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This sketch started as Spacegirl, but after taking a step back and looking at that helmet I reckon she belongs underwater. Pencil sketch, scanned and ... 

Excuse me Sir,

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have you hear of our Lord and Savior, Cthulex? Doodle turned into pencil + ink sketch, with a touch-up in GIMP... 


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Working on the features & planes of the face, and trying hard to be more subtle about the shading.Pencil on printer paper, scanned and cleaned ... 

Duty. Honor. Blood.

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Watching GoT right now, still in season 2 so it is still awesome lol Scanned pencil, modified in GIMP... 


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Pencil, scanned and colored in GIMP. Colors: Scan: ... 


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Some people have smiles that make you smile. Practicing portraits, pencil on index card... 

Goodbye Saturn

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Thinking about reading pulp sci-fi novels as a kid, all with awesome artwork on the covers.My first real pulp novel was "Point of No Return" ... 

Buck Rogers

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I love retro sci-fi. Buck Rogers is a favorite.Pencil + marker, with some GIMP for good measure... 


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Pencil & charcoal. No ink.The reference I used is Laurence Bédard @lolobe4 ... 


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Test fire!Pencil, marker, grey markers + crayola classic colors.Blended the blue crayola marker with some water and a brush... 


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Quick pencil sketch, followed up with markers.Inspired by so many afternoons watching Robotech... 


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Another shading practice run.This time no tracing, only measured the reference by eyeball.Pencil + charcoal.The reference is from @volkonskaya.reshetova ... 

Shading practice

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NSFW / Mature Content

Practicing shading of skin, using pencil, charcoal + brushpen.I really suck at this, so to practice I traced a photo reference onto a piece of ... 

There's doughnuts in the kitchen everyone

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Trying to break an Isolation-induced brain block, with a random sketch.First time trying Koi watercolor brushpens, on top of a pencil, marker and brushpen sketch.The ...