Posts tagged with 'scratchbuilt'

Page 9 of 11, with 159 posts

Greeblies 2019-01-14 14:27:00-08:00
Adding some greeblies to the interior of the Fire Raptor: There's more over on the build log ...
Fire Raptor, wip 2019-01-12 01:18:00-08:00
Making some progress on the Fire Raptor. The template i have is a good base to work from, but there are several errors and issues ...
Fire Raptor 2019-01-09 00:10:00.001000-08:00
I'm putting together a scratchbuilt Fire Raptor gunship , based on a template which I downloaded from . It is mostly papercraft, but I ...
Molding & Casting 2018-12-05 14:35:00-08:00
Here is the progress I've made in making molds and casting resin parts for this figure. Minus the left hand - this gave me a ...
Power fist 2018-11-06 10:47:00-08:00
The mold is complete, so I removed the parts from it. They only suffered minimal damage, nothing a bit of CA couldn't fix. Started building ...
Prime, bake & mold 2018-11-05 12:09:00-08:00
So here is the primed body of the dreadnought - it looks a tad cleaner this way I did this last night, then took the ...
Bulking out 2018-11-02 15:02:00-08:00
Some more progress: bulking out the... bulkheads?The body fits together nicely. Adding more detail to the feet...
Rivets & Surgery 2018-11-01 11:59:00-08:00
More rivets, and some surgery for the next steps.I think this build will have a *lot* of mixed media in it, so it might not ...
Some more progress 2018-10-30 12:27:00-08:00
A bit more progress on the body: panels, rivets, etc.I am using some green stuff (putty) to fill in some deeper holes.There is some vinyl ...
Dread progress 2018-10-25 09:31:00-08:00
Here is some progress on the weapons. The multi-barrel auto-cannon needs rework (I don't like the look of the toothpicks, I will roll barrels out ...
Beefed 2018-10-24 11:38:00-08:00
I've gone and compared my model with photos of the official Dreadnought, and realized that the body was not quite in proportion to what it ...
Scratchbuilt Land Raider, done! 2018-10-24 09:19:00-08:00
Here's the finished model, paint job is complete.At least, I call it complete. Because otherwise I'd be tempted to go in and redo everything a ...
Scratchbuilt Patoroch Land Raider 2018-10-24 09:19:00-08:00
This was my very first scratchbuilt mixed-media model, which kicked off my journey in this scratchbuilding hobby. I started from a paper template by Eli ...
Paint progress 2018-10-18 11:22:00-08:00
Slowly getting somewhere on the painting. I want to post this update otherwise it feels like I'm stagnating Some of the fine details (the aquilla/twin-headed ...
Mixed-media Patoroch Dreadnought 2018-10-12 00:04:00-07:00
Since my Land Raider has a lot of staring-at-the-walls-waiting-for-the-paint-to-dry going on, I decided to start working on another of Eli Patoroch's models: the Dreadnought. This ...