Land Raider upgrades
2020-12-08 11:49:00-08:00 |
I'm calling the Land Raider rework project done. It has been fun, revisiting my first papercraft tank and adding some refinement to it.In addition to ... |
Land Raider upgrades
2020-12-08 11:49:00-08:00 |
A bit of rework of my original papercraft Land Raider , my first project. Here are some comparison photos, with the original on top and ... |
Land Raider upgrades
2020-12-06 17:11:00-08:00 |
I spent some time on the Land Raider rework, adding a bit of weathering to the piece. Next up will be some oil staining/streaking & ... |
2020-10-30 15:51:00-08:00 |
I added some glowy effects to the various servo skulls on the dreadnought dio: ... |
Dreadnought dio painting update
2020-10-28 18:04:00-08:00 |
I did some more work on the dready dio, fine tuning the lights. I finally decided to just paint over the previous (too bright) blue... |
Dreadnought dio painting
2020-10-22 12:41:00-08:00 |
I've had a long session with the airbrush last night, and started reworking the lights on the dreadnought diorama.I picked up some burnt sienna ink ... |
Land Raider upgrades
2020-08-03 14:58:00-08:00 |
Got started (re)weathering the Land Raider, finally having added all the bits of replacement and extra detail that I wanted... |
Land Raider upgrades
2020-07-22 01:06:00-08:00 |
Finally got all the little casts painted and glued. But before I can start weathering I want to add a bit of graphics to the ... |
Land Raider upgrades
2020-07-15 16:55:00-08:00 |
First the main cannon: I removed the chunky blood raven and replaced it with a holy book of some sort (probably borrowed from a library ... |
Land Raider upgrades
2020-07-07 10:47:00-08:00 |
I've been playing with the idea of sprucing up my scratchbuilt Land Raider for a while, ever since I played around withan extra casting of ... |
Hunter Killer Done!
2020-06-23 11:42:00-08:00 |
Here are the final shots: ... |
Hunter Killer
2020-06-23 11:42:00-08:00 |
The lone Dreadnought moves silently through the dark swamp, searching for signs of it's prey; a wounded ork.You can run, but you can't hide… Scratchbuilt ... |
Swampy mud & water
2020-06-21 12:06:00-08:00 |
Been working on the dread for the last couple of days, adding some iconography and trying to refine the OSL. I also added some green ... |
Hunter Killer
2020-06-11 12:55:00-08:00 |
I painted the shoulders a bone white then washed with Payne's gray ink, to make it colder and look like the dread is walking around ... |
Swamp night
2020-06-08 12:15:00-08:00 |
I added a first lighting pass using white ink over black primer, and then glazed in some color with the airbrush, trying to see if ... |