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All the latest stuff I've been getting up to.

Swampy mud & water

Been working on the dread for the last couple of days, adding some iconography and trying to refine the OSL. I also added some green ... 

Hunter Killer

I painted the shoulders a bone white then washed with Payne's gray ink, to make it colder and look like the dread is walking around ... 

Swamp night

I added a first lighting pass using white ink over black primer, and then glazed in some color with the airbrush, trying to see if ... 

Swamp hunter

These last few weeks, and especially the last few days, have been pretty draining, I've found it hard to do more than just sit around... 

Attack of the clones

I've been cloning the power armor dude, and started hacking the bodies apart and reattaching and reposing the limbs with some greenstuff.The goal is to ... 

Sabre Strike Done!

The scratchbuilt baby tank is done!I added the last bits of lenses and viewports... ...then started adding some dust and mud. Once done, here is ... 

Power armor

On another project, I have been slowly sculpting away at a Terminator-sized figure of a 2d piece I did a while ago: I plan ... 

Sabre Strike colors down

I've made a bit of progress on the Strike tank: as with all my space marine gear, I'm doing a Blood Raven color scheme.Here is ... 

Sabre Strike update

I've been off painting & modeling for a bit: we have an annual international trade show every April, and work starts to get fairly rough ... 

Sabre Strike progress

Got some more work done on the Sabre Strike tank. I have a serious cold right now, not feeling much like painting.The thoughtless application of ... 

Sabre Strike!

And just because I can't stand having just one project going at a time, here is another one I started last weekend: a scratchbuilt Sabre ... 

Dreadnought dio update

So it is time to buckle down and tackle the paint job on the dreadnought diorama. Last night I started refining the sketch with some ... 

Fire Raptor Done!

The Fire Raptor is now DONE. I took some shots last night, but my phone camera is somehow mucked up so the left half of ... 

9th Company

Did another bit of freehand last night: the 9th company marking. This is located in a fairly un-weathered location (especially the one on starboard) so ... 


Last night I finished the racing stripes with the Bloodraven chapter symbols on the sides.They are freehand, I've done a quick SBS for how I ...