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All the latest stuff I've been getting up to.

Raven freehand done!

Finished up the freehand raven last night. Pretty happy with it!The last two pics show the ripped-off bandaids masking fluid. These leave the weathering underneath ... 

Raven freehand

Started working on the raven freehand that goes on top of the Fire Raptor: ... 

Raven freehand prep

I started preparing everything last night, starting with a cutout mask to use as a guide on the bird itself. Using the mask I drew ... 

Ball turrets

I finished the ball turrets last night, the last pieces were the sensor lenses above the gun barrels. So the last bits are now all ... 

Fire Raptor progress

Back on the fire raptor again, and making small bits of progress... 

Fiddly bits

Doing all the fiddly bits before I seal it up and do some freehand work. This includes the cables on the outside & the lenses ... 

Weathering the underside

After a loooong procrastination, I finally started weathering the underside of the bird. Lots of sponge work, lots of little nicks and scratches. I figure ... 

Space Hulk Duel

Done! A small diorama of a duel between a Deathwing Terminator and a Genestealer onboard a Space Hulk. It is up at artstation and coolminiornot ... 

Some progresses

Happy 2020! Hope you will have a great new decade! Here are some progress shots of the Space Hulk duel diorama: This is an action ... 


I did some more work on the space hulk duel, the construction is complete so I did a priming + zenithal preshade, then started to ... 

Grey Knight with green blade

Changed the glow from the powersword to green, trying to keep the sky/earth reflection separate from the blade's glow. This took a heap of effort, ... 

Duel WIP

Finalised the posing of the two models in the quick little dio, and added a greenstuff sculpted face to the terminator. Started griming up the ... 

Quick little dio

Slapped together a quick little dio. Or at least, the start of one. The figures in the dio are a kitbashed terminator and genestealer. Only ... 


WIP on the grey knight's powersword and flamer. The powersword is illuminating the base: The flamer gets a sooty stained burnt metal look. Needs a ... 


Started on some osl on the eyes and powersword ...